If you are now just hearing about Pickleball, you’ve been missing out for quite some time. The game of Pickleball is played by over 4.8 million people in the U.S. The game was invented in 1965 by three dads who were trying to create a game the entire family could enjoy with little or no skill. The men wanted a sport where anyone could take part in the game without having to make a huge investment in equipment. Their new game, named Pickleball, has gone on to become one of the leading games played by seniors everywhere.
How Did Pickleball Get its Name?
Pickleball is a unique game with a unique name, especially since the game has nothing to do with pickles. The game was named after one of the founder’s dogs, named Pickles. The dog enjoyed running after the ball and hiding it in the bushes. The dog’s owner, Joel Pritchard, thought the name was playful and was a good reflection of the game itself.
What is Pickleball?
Many people feel that Pickleball is like miniature tennis; while both sports use balls and paddles, Pickleball is much easier to play and has less physical stress on the body than tennis.
The standard pickleball court is smaller than a tennis court by one-third and can be played by singles or doubles. Playing with two players on each side is the most popular way to play the game. The game is enjoyed by many seniors because it doesn’t involve a lot of running, especially when playing doubles. Since the court is smaller than a tennis court, more balls are hit by players than in an average game of tennis. Pickleball is a great game to play to enhance hand and eye coordination as well as strategy and skill.
Why Is Pickleball So Popular?
There are so many activities that adults can take part in, but many games take skill and experience. Golf is a great game, but it can be expensive to play on top courses. More active sports like softball and basketball are faster moving and tend to take a higher level of skill.
Just about anyone can play Pickleball, and even those with a lack of athleticism can be successful pickleball players. It is also a very affordable game to take part in. The only expense is the paddle and the balls. Unless you have invested in a net, you can easily practice your pickleball skills at your local park, club, or recreation center on the tennis court.
Pro Athletes are Catching on to the Sport:
While many consider Pickleball to be a game for the 50+ crowd, that isn’t the case. Many professional athletes have begun playing Pickleball in their spare time. Here are just some of the professional athletes that have started playing the sport.
- LPGA tour winner Sherri Steinhauer began playing Pickleball when she had a hip injury.
- Golfers Phil Mickelson and Matt Kuchar are pickleball fans.
- Andy Roddick and Andre Agassi recently took part in a Paddle Battle charity event.
- Kansas City Chiefs players Travis Kelce, Pat Mahomes, and Tyreek Hill were challenged by middleweight UFC fighter Julian Marquez to a game of Pickleball.
- During the COVID-19 bubble in 2020, many players from the Dallas Mavericks began playing Pickleball in their spare time.
- Tom Brady and Drew Brees are such fans of the sport that they have invested in pickleball teams.
In addition, in 2021, an 86-acre outdoor sports venue named Dreamland that includes 16 pickleball courts in Austin, Texas. Many feel this is just the beginning and that soon, Major League Pickleball will become a national sport.
What Equipment Do You Need to Play Pickleball?
It is very easy to get the equipment you need to play Pickleball. All you need is a pickleball paddle and balls. If you want to make it official, you can create a pickleball court by measuring out the sections and adding a net in the center. But, when they aren’t available, a tennis court can be used instead. For less than $100, you can easily get all the supplies you need to begin playing the sport. One item that you should consider when purchasing your pickleball equipment is pickleball paddle covers.
Pickleball paddle covers protect your racquets from dents, scratches, and scuffs. Paddles often hit the ground while playing, so it is important to protect them when you are not playing the sport. Many also purchase a pickleball bag, where they can store all the necessary equipment like pickleball paddles, balls, towels, sunscreen, and water bottles. This will ensure that all your pickleball gear is in one place and safe until you are ready to play your next game.
How to Choose a Pickleball Paddle Cover?
There are many different types of pickleball paddle covers; you should compare the options so you can choose the type of cover that is best for you and is the most protective of your paddle.
Neoprene is one of the top materials for pickleball paddles. It is a lightweight material that is created from a synthetic rubber that cushions and protects the paddle. Most of the neoprene covers are of good quality, readily available, and thick enough to protect the paddle, should it be dropped.
If you are looking to spend a bit more money on your pickleball paddle cover, you may want to choose one made of leather. While they will withstand a lot of wear and tear, over time, the leather may fade, and it may also show scratches over time.
Plastic pickleball paddle covers are an inexpensive option when it comes to paddle covers. They are widely available and inexpensive. They will protect your paddle, but over time, they may rip and fade and not hold up, as well as some other options.
Now Is the Time to Start Playing Pickleball
The future of Pickleball is very bright. As more and more celebrities and athletes begin playing the game, investing in professional teams, and developing awards for the different associations playing the sport. Because it is such a fun sport that appeals to such a large audience, we anticipate that Pickleball will continue to become even more popular. Learn more at Salted City Sports!